As a business owner, you know first hand just how important a good contact management software and system is for your day to day operations.

Time is money. You don’t need a system that is awkward and time-consuming to use. Ideally, you should be up and running within a very short time.

A big plus is customer support. Online help, a knowledge base of frequently asked questions, email support, and telephone support are all very valuable when you need help.

Features to look for in contact management software

Your contact management software should have the following features.

  • Easy to useIf it is cumbersome and complicated, people will avoid using it, or only use limited features.
  • Fully integratedYou must be able to save time by minimizing data entry. For example: if you enter a name as a contact, you should be able to easily enter that same information in a “To-do” list, address book, send an email, write a letter, set up an appointment and so on.
  • Able to networkIf you have employees, they should all be able to network and have access to the same information. This is a very powerful tool that saves time and confusion. No more fly-away notes!
  • InexpensiveWhat good is a system if it is so expensive that you cannot afford it? Most small business’ are on a tight budget and cannot afford costly errors in software. 

    In my own personal business I use ACT! contact management software by Sage. I love it! It has enabled me, a chronically disorganized and over-committed businessman, to be efficient and organized.In the past, I had tried several other programs, but nothing even compares with ACT!. It is easy to use and my employees intuitively understand how it functions.If you have a customer base and want to keep track of appointments, schedule meetings, keep track of expenses, keep notes on clients, write emails, reports, letters or just about anything else, I would highly recommend it.Click here to Purchase ACT! contact management software today!What are some alternatives?There are other software systems on the market, some better than others. Generally, from my experience, you get what you pay for. If your needs are very basic and you only have a few clients and contacts, you don’t need a highly developed system. A simple notebook might meet your needs.There are a few home-made systems that are surprisingly effective, at least until you get too much information. Index cards, notebooks, 3-ring binders, agendas and so on are all quite useful, though obviously limited.For a business, it pays huge dividends to be efficient and organized. You will be surprised at how easily you can manage your contacts.